SEE FX (SEEBURGER FILE EXCHANGE) Mobile app is an easy to use Smart Phone App for secure mobile file exchange via your SEE FX server. The App is developed by SEEBURGER AG, the leading company in business integration. The SEE FX App for iPhone requires an active account on the SEE FX server installed in your company. Please consult with your company’s IT organization for required credentials to access the SEE FX server through the SEE FX App.
With SEE FX Mobile, you can upload, centrally store your files on a central secure SEE FX server and exchange the files with any known or unknown people. You can easily share files (or folders of files) with colleagues or customers. Simply upload the files, type in their email addresses, create a download permit, and send them the permit to download the large file. SEE FX Mobile automatically notifies the proper people of the file’s availability, sending them a message with a secure link for downloading it. SEE FX Mobile App gives you the flexibility and speed you expect with the centralized control your business demands.
With SEE FX Mobile App you can:
· Ad hoc share large files or folders with known or unknown people
· Edit files on your mobile device using system editors for real time collaboration
· Upload or download large files from your mobile device to SEE FX server
· Manage your SEE FX server data
· Grant permits to people to upload or download their large file to your SEE FX server
If your organization offers award winning SEE FX (SEE FILE EXCHANGE) service, contact your IT administrator to find out how to access it via SEE FX App for iPhone. If your organization do not offer SEE FX services, please visit to learn more about this solution.